Review to car parking charges across West Sussex to be reconsidered

A review of car parking charges across West Sussex has been questioned by county councillors.

Recommended proposals to increase on-street parking charges in line with inflation, improve the administration of residents’ parking schemes, and correct imbalances between on and off-street parking in some towns came under scrutiny from the West Sussex County Council’s Environmental and Community Services Select Committee.

The committee agreed it needed more detailed financial information in order to better understand the justification for, and impact of the proposals, before it could endorse any them.

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It requested that the updated report be considered again by the Select Committee, before the cabinet member for Highways and Transport makes a final decision.

Select committee chairman Graham Tyler said: “This proves that democracy is alive and kicking, even in these tough financial times.

Parking is an emotive subject, and with different circumstances in each location to consider, the best course of action is to hold fire and wait for a second report.”

Cabinet cmmber for Highways and Transport, Pieter Montyn, said: “I look forward to hearing the views of the Select Committee on parking charges in due course.”