Hope new plants are maintained

I have noticed what appears to be numerous delivery crates positioned along the whole of South Road.

Hopefully they will be planted up very soon and will be a beautiful addition to the town centre.

Most importantly though, I hope that the council will keep them regularly maintained and in good condition and that the man hours and resources have been thought through on this; it would be awful for them to end up as ashtrays and rubbish dumps and unattended to. I am really dubious that the time and effort involved in their upkeep will be tenable though, particularly as the beautiful trees planted in Victoria Park over the last few months have either not been staked at all and therefore have died, or are wilting and listing badly, despite notification to the local council two months ago, and our own efforts to keep them alive.

Such a sad sight and totally preventable with foresight, planning, care and thought.

Mandy Attrill

Ashenground Road, Haywards Heath