Reduce cancer risk

I AM writing to let your readers know that during Cancer Prevention Week (May 9-15) we are promoting the fact there is now strong evidence that people can make lifestyle changes to reduce their risk.

Scientists now estimate that about a third of the most common cancers could be prevented through eating a healthy plant-based diet, being regularly physically active and maintaining a healthy weight.

But many people still see cancer as simply a question of fate. This is why we want to use Cancer Prevention Week to raise awareness of risk factors, so people are then in a position to make their own informed choices.

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As well as promoting this potentially life-saving message, there are also fund-raising events going on across the country during the week, particularly for our Fruity Friday event on Friday, May 13.

People can find out more about how they can take part in their area by visiting our website at

Kate Mendoza,

head of education,

World Cancer

Research Fund,


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