Power station emergency facts:

RESIDENTS in Rye and the surrounding area are to be issued with radiation tablets in case of an off-site nuclear emergency at Dungeness Power Station.

The station is tightening safety procedures in the wake of the Fukashima melt-down in Japan.

It has made available detailed advice on evacuation and where to take protective shelter should a nuclear incident occur.

Potassium Iodate tablets, which inhibit radiation.

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Colonel William Kimber of Rye emergency reaction group React, said: “Now that the NHS (for Edf Dungeness) has issued potassium iodate tablets to residents in Rye, perhaps we should consider any public information “fallout”; no pun intended.

“see that the issue results from an extension of the Emergency Planning Zone from to 2.4km.

“I assume that this is a result of lessons from the Japan disasters, as from my earlier work the Zone only went out to about 1km. It would have been desirable to have been told what lies behind the plan. I will contact NHS and Dungeness to see what more information there is .

Safety information issued by Dungeness advices people not to pick up their children from school in the event of an emergency and to hang a white sheet in a front window of their house to let people know they have evacuated.

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The local authority will make arrangements to reunite school children with their parents.

Evacuation assembly points will be set up for people to head for. And the information even includes advice such as packing toys and books for the children as well as medical supplies.

Evacuating motorists are advised to keep their windows and air vents shut.

It says that people should wait for official guidance before using or buying food stored outdoors, at a market for example, or harvesting fresh produce from a garden or allotment.

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Mains tap water will be safe to use unless people are informed otherwise.

Special arrangements will be made for people in hospital or nursing homes.

The initial action people should take in an emergency, say EDF, is to remain at home and they use the slogan Go in, Stay in and Tune in.

People who stay at home should close all windows and doors and switch off any ventilator or extraction fans.

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They should tune into local radio or TV to await further instructions.

They say in most cases evacuation will be precautionary and ahead of any nuclear release

There has never been a serious nuclear incident at Dungeness B power station or at Dungeness A when operational.