Why is food waste not collected every week?

Your letters to the newspaper SUS-181214-104016001Your letters to the newspaper SUS-181214-104016001
Your letters to the newspaper SUS-181214-104016001
When I moved to Chichester from Bedfordshire four years ago I was surprised to find that food waste was not collected weekly in Chichester.

This had been par for the course in central Bedfordshire for some ten years and worked very efficiently. Residents were given a kitchen worktop caddy with biodegradable insert bags such that food waste could be popped in at source and then the bags were placed in a larger container which was emptied weekly by the waste collection services.

Recyclables and residual non-recyclables were collected fortnightly.

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I asked Chichester District Council why this system was not applied in our area but was informed that the council did not have access to (or perhaps could not afford) the necessary disposal facility. Perhaps now the Government’s new strategy will force some action in this area. I certainly hope so.

Fiona Steele, Whistler Avenue, Chichester